Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Pity HoMeToWn

Mongolia had been in socialist system before revolution of 1990. Since that time our country has begun being open to countries all over the world. Due to Mongolia being developing country, our city has faced some serious problems such as traffics, high level air pollution, unintended city structure, bad sanitation, usage of forbidden chemical substances, and quick increase of inflation. But it is possible to solve all of these problems.
First problem that must be discussed is about traffic and road. Each year car increases by the big amount, but neither size nor quality of road improved. The number of cars was ten times less than it is today 10 years ago. Also regulation with traffic is not enough. For example, it is rule that person who is older than eighteen or eighteen is able to have driver license, but younger people take license by giving bribe. Old cars from developed country where they are not supposed to use are imported to Mongolia. After using 10 years there they begin producing black poisonous smoke and cannot provide with safeness. These problems cause traffic jam, air pollution, and so many deaths every year. If we manufacture car ourselves and take more tax from car import, we can reduce the causes.
Second problem is that air pollution has already passed the point which stands for possible maximum. The Mongolians are poor now so that they usually use coal which produces so much smoke. When I was child, I like winter season because of its fresh air; however, now it is hard to breath in winter. Almost there is invisible near area. Officials say that there was new type of material to fire, but has not come to use yet. If we move the families to south of the city, air pollution may decrease because most winds come from north. Green area is main term to decrease air pollution, but in Ulaanbaatar there is little quantity of green area that is not enough to fresh the air.
By the annual statistic which lists the most corrupted countries in the world, Mongolia has been in top 10. Person who has money buy ground and then build anything. Due to this corruption, city structure is unintended and puzzled. There are so many bad experiences from abroad countries about city structure. We should get rid of corruption for future. Be careful when you vote parliament members.
In addition, companies invested by the Chinese are using poisonous chemical substances near the Tuul River and crowded districts. Since some fish were found dead people has begun paying attention to those companies work. During the investigation, there were so many dangerous substances are found, but criminals had already vanished. They had real license to work there, now that they give bribe to officials to take that. I think it is very critical problem and we should eliminate it quickly. If we do not do, our children’s future will be in danger. People taking bribe should think about that their children will be in danger and say about them to police.
Finally, inflation has increased by 40 percent since last year. This economical situation has caused unemployment, disturbed democratic business, and increased the number of street children. There are some ways to solve these problems such as supporting national factories, establishing new working place, influencing economic by government, adding salaries and lowing taxes. In my opinion the best way is that get rid of bribe. That official who takes bribe has kind heart, brave heart, wealth, and some good manners will not do anything. Because that black spot will always follow him and become barrier to his true success. Therefore, standing against corruption is the best way, I think.
All in all, if everybody wants and tries to solve these problems, we should work together and then we will be able to solve them. “Team work is always better than individual work” one famous said.


  1. Yes. There are many social and enviromental problems in our city, indeed.
    We'd better think about what we, the citizens of UB, can do to make situations better. ^^

  2. I think that the name of the article should be related to its main idea, so I would have chosen another name.
