Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who is a best friend?

I think a friend is the most amazing thing that you can get from life. Friends play an important role in a person’s life. Almost everyone in the world has at least one friend. There’s a saying: “One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible”, but we have so many friends now, and we believe all of them is a best one. Not just anyone can be called your best friend.
Everyone has their own definition of what their own best friend is like and what an impact he or she has made in their life. Good friends should not be measured only base on the time spent together. Friends that grew up with might not always be the best friends. Usually when problems arise, people will most likely go to their friends for help. In my opinion a true friend is someone who is filled with love, happiness, and trust, the one who knows you better than anyone you can think of, definitely better than your parents, and sometimes better than you know yourself. Usually, best friends are people that understand each other clearly, someone with whom you have shared your most intimate secrets with, and laughed the loudest. They are the one you can call at any hour of the day, and no matter what the situation, or how busy he/she are, they’ll find time to talk to you; somehow. A best friend will always tell you that you look good, even on your worst days. I can’t imagine my life without my best friends. Best friend just becomes one of your family members, who come to all family functions like Christmas, Tsagaan sar, Birthdays and so on. In the end, I want to say that true friend is someone who will always be there for you through the good times and the bad.

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Why some students study abroad?

Why some students study abroad ?
Thanks to our globalized world anyone who from any country has a chance to choose her/his future studying countries:home or foreign.Some of them want to study abroad due to general view that if we study abroad we will have more opportunities.So, many teenagers and adults want to study abroad for seeking various of academic degrees in all possible fields.
There are four main reasons:world standardized education, career promotion, culture, and creating network while studying abroad.By studying at world ranking universities you can take brilliant, experienced professors' lectures and use products which are created by high standardized modern technology such as laboratories, facilities and all kinds of supplements.After you graduated in abroad your chance of receiving high -paid positions including of multinaion companies and managerial posts will increase.Furthermore, you will have chance to be as leader in own field that helps to contribute the field and home country.Since, you study foreign country you have randomness to be as a bridge of cultures between home and other countries.That means you can be representative of home country and distribute other countries's culture.Also, you can effort more contribute mutual for that countries as being a public diploma.While, you study there you can create multination network which will help to your future career.Indeed studying abroad can give you a personal or country more opportunities of individual and social development.To sum up, any culture can develop rapidly because people can improve in individual manner, education quality and competence in ours speedy society.

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My Pity HoMeToWn

Mongolia had been in socialist system before revolution of 1990. Since that time our country has begun being open to countries all over the world. Due to Mongolia being developing country, our city has faced some serious problems such as traffics, high level air pollution, unintended city structure, bad sanitation, usage of forbidden chemical substances, and quick increase of inflation. But it is possible to solve all of these problems.
First problem that must be discussed is about traffic and road. Each year car increases by the big amount, but neither size nor quality of road improved. The number of cars was ten times less than it is today 10 years ago. Also regulation with traffic is not enough. For example, it is rule that person who is older than eighteen or eighteen is able to have driver license, but younger people take license by giving bribe. Old cars from developed country where they are not supposed to use are imported to Mongolia. After using 10 years there they begin producing black poisonous smoke and cannot provide with safeness. These problems cause traffic jam, air pollution, and so many deaths every year. If we manufacture car ourselves and take more tax from car import, we can reduce the causes.
Second problem is that air pollution has already passed the point which stands for possible maximum. The Mongolians are poor now so that they usually use coal which produces so much smoke. When I was child, I like winter season because of its fresh air; however, now it is hard to breath in winter. Almost there is invisible near area. Officials say that there was new type of material to fire, but has not come to use yet. If we move the families to south of the city, air pollution may decrease because most winds come from north. Green area is main term to decrease air pollution, but in Ulaanbaatar there is little quantity of green area that is not enough to fresh the air.
By the annual statistic which lists the most corrupted countries in the world, Mongolia has been in top 10. Person who has money buy ground and then build anything. Due to this corruption, city structure is unintended and puzzled. There are so many bad experiences from abroad countries about city structure. We should get rid of corruption for future. Be careful when you vote parliament members.
In addition, companies invested by the Chinese are using poisonous chemical substances near the Tuul River and crowded districts. Since some fish were found dead people has begun paying attention to those companies work. During the investigation, there were so many dangerous substances are found, but criminals had already vanished. They had real license to work there, now that they give bribe to officials to take that. I think it is very critical problem and we should eliminate it quickly. If we do not do, our children’s future will be in danger. People taking bribe should think about that their children will be in danger and say about them to police.
Finally, inflation has increased by 40 percent since last year. This economical situation has caused unemployment, disturbed democratic business, and increased the number of street children. There are some ways to solve these problems such as supporting national factories, establishing new working place, influencing economic by government, adding salaries and lowing taxes. In my opinion the best way is that get rid of bribe. That official who takes bribe has kind heart, brave heart, wealth, and some good manners will not do anything. Because that black spot will always follow him and become barrier to his true success. Therefore, standing against corruption is the best way, I think.
All in all, if everybody wants and tries to solve these problems, we should work together and then we will be able to solve them. “Team work is always better than individual work” one famous said.

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Books vs. Movies

Both books and movies have their own advantages. They both include information, which undeniably useful, interesting, and educating. The most noticeable thing for two of them is the same, they can affect one’s mind deeply, and especially they can change one’s paradigm. In my opinion, there is nothing changes one’s paradigm but books and movies.

Advent of motion pictures is very recent; the world’s earliest film was first showed by Louis Le Prince, in 1888. But motion pictures have been developed rapidly. Moreover, people’s attraction to movie is spreading. Watching movies can give several advantages to audiences. For example; audiences do not spend time as much as book readers do, and much more exciting and intensive. Also watching movies is a social activity. We can see the characters and hear the conversations, so we can easily understand it and can feel if we were there, on a movie screen. In addition, we can find developments of art, person’s competence, computer-graphics, and new ideas there, on movie screens. Because, making a movie is not one’s work, the group’s effort. That can give audiences not only a story but also information of developing world.

Books; one of the greatest invention of humans is also have several advantages that movies can not provide. For example; more detail, more rhetoric, author’s original work, and more intimate activity. It is a common practice, one who has read the book can get more knowledge than one who has seen the movie. We can also improve our understanding, linguistic, vocabulary and grammar ability by reading. Furthermore, we can improve our imagination and speed of thinking.

In my own practice, I have read books which have been showed on the movie screen, what I felt after watching the movies was too brief and misunderstandings of some points. ‘It was just for money? Or it was just a bad movie?’ I thought. In my opinion, in most cases, movies undermine the real novel’s taste. But I can not avoid the influence of movies. In my opinion, both books and movies have their own extraordinary features. In conclusion, I do love both of them.

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Life is a drama

Do you like a drama? How many have you seen? Maybe lots and lots of. All that dramas were different in stories, roles and so on. Like this, our lives can be a drama we play. We write our own story and play a lead role. That means whether our life will be good or bad will only depend on us. But some people believe that we have our own destiny and someone like god already decided it. I do not agree with this point of view. It is as we are living someone else’s life.
In one wise statement, it is said that we are born crying, and then live complaining, in the end die with regrets. I think that many people lead this kind of life. Humans are thought to be the luckiest and smartest among all creatures. Then why do we have to be pitiful like not to be able to live happily, as we wish?
When we are born, inevitably we cry. We cannot change this and neither do we need that. However, complaint and regrets are things that we can manage to change.
One says that I am too fat; the other one says that I always get bad marks at all subjects. But why do we have to make ourselves suffer? No matter how you look, no matter you are bad at math, you are still you. Just being yourself means a lot and do not over think about your disadvantages. This is the one way to live happier I think.
Also, we all want to lead meaningful life like being respected by others, being successful at our careers. Then, some blame themselves for not living successfully as others. I think we can solve this problem with our continuous efforts and determination. Now I want to suggest some of the ways that can bring you a success.
• Be a good dreamer. Dream as much as you can. However, dreaming is the only first step, fulfilling it will be the most important part. People may think that if they dream about something every time that will be done. But it is not that simple, without efforts nothing will be done.
• Get up early. What do you think the benefit of getting up early? It is that when we get up early we can manage to do things as we think and plan effectively. Because our brain works good in the morning and at least we will not forget important things.
• Remember that health is wealth. Some people are somewhat stubborn and they tend to urge them to do things that they cannot. It is such a waste of time and you will just ruin your health. If you are not healthy, you will just have to fight with your pain.

Life is too short to be dissatisfied all the time. We must relax and take our time enjoying life. Considering about your future and desire is of course important, but today’s happiness is more important than these are.
Finally, we will decide our drama to be with full of happiness or not. Our life is in our hands.

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My hobby

How to care dog

Dogs and humans have been best friends for long. While dogs give unconditional love, loyalty and friendship to their owners, we are responsible for their proper care, food and water, shelter, safety, regular veterinary care and exercise. Here are some tips to take good care of your dogs:

~A nutritionally balanced diet with constant access to fresh water is as good for your dog, as it is for you.
~Trained dogs behave better and share greater bonding with their owners. Use positive reinforcement training techniques to train the dog.
~Walk your dog twice a day to exercise your dog and keep him physically fit. However, the level of exercise depends on the breed and age of the dog.
~Be as loyal and faithful to your canine as you expect him to be to you. Any persistent behaviour problems should be brought to the notice of your veterinarian.

Dog's diet

Right diet can keep your dog fit and fine and their coats shiny and smooth. Healthy dogs are the pride of their owners. Though, you may feed the dog most expensive of all dog foods, they may still be deficient in nourishment or get obese and may need weight control.Here are some things to keep in mind while feeding your dog:

~Raw eggs make biotin unavailable for dog's body and thus consistent use of raw eggs may cause dermatitis, loss of hair, and poor growth in your canine pet.
~Some species of raw fish may cause deficiency of vitamin thiamine in dog's body resulting in loss of appetite, abnormal posture, weakness, seizures and even death.
~A sycophant dog is hard to refuse but overeating may cause several problems such as obesity and depression in dogs.
~Feed your pet at regular intervals and scheduled timings and enough only to keep it in good body condition.
~Use only dog treats and regulate the dog's diet according to the treats you have offered him to keep the static alorie balance.
~Commercial dog foods normally pack in the complete and balanced pet foods to providing optimum nutrition for our dogs.
~Additional calcium is preferable in the diet of pregnant and nursing females and growing pupbut pies and kittens.
~Remember, chocolates are toxic to dogs.

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The end of school is the start of our independent life and the beginning of the most serious examination we have passed. In order to do well at this examination it is necessary to choose the right road in life which will help us best to live and work for own good and for the benefit of our country.
Many broad ways will open before the students when they leave high school. Everybody will have a chance to develop and use knowledge and education received during the school years. There are a lot of different trades and professions, and each one must choose the occupation in which they can best develop one's own talent and abilities. Our society needs well-educated people. Nowadays the profession of an economist has become one the most useful, modern and interesting. That is because our country is moving towards market economy and different forms of property are being established. There is a place for an economist at every plant and factory. An economist exercises different functions. They analyse the condition of the market and prospects for its development in the future. A manager is an actual administrator. Having a good command of the economic situation in the region and the demands of the market a person with an economist's diploma may establish his own business. It is very important for an economist to know a foreign language, especially English. That is because contracts between our country and many countries of the world are becoming wider with every coming day. Every economist has a chance to go abroad or to deal with foreign businessmen coming to our country. But to become a good economist one must work hard and get not only theoretical knowledge but also great practical skills.

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People often talk about their memories as if a memory were some thing that they possess. They speak of strong and weak memories like muscles. Memory does not exist in the sense of some thing that can be seen, touched, or weighed. We cannot open a person’s head and say, “That’s a good, healthy-looking memory“ or “This person needs a memory transplant“.
Because remembering is a learned skill, improving memory is like developing any other skill. You must work at it by learning suitable techniques and practice them. Improving your techniques improves your capacity.
No single memory method will do everything. They just make it more effective. Then which one is the best? It varies with the circumstances. Many circumstances determine what memory method is best to use to learn material. What kind of material do you want to remember? In what way? Under what circumstances? For how long?
Not only is there no single secret to mastering your memory but most memory techniques are often not even “secrets”. Many authors and lecturers say they letting you in on their own secret memory techniques; however, the techniques are secret only in the sense that many people are not aware of them.
Your memory may decline with age, but only if it is not used. Conversely, if it is used, it will continue to improve throughout your lifetime.

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Sports in my life

We can’t imagine our life without sports. There are indoor and outdoor sports. In winter, we can play indoor sports such as basketball, volleyball, table tennis etc. In summer, we can play the sports outside. For example, we can swim in the river, play football or badminton. Sports can help us to stay healthy, to be well-built to spend our free time usefully with much fun. In my opinion, everybody should do sports because there are lots of advantages in doing sports.
First of all, we can adopt it as our hobby if we want to enjoy ourselves. We can enjoy ourselves if we want when we are bored, sad or angry. Also, we can improve our IQ by playing chess, for example. So we can both enjoy and improve ourselves by playing sports games.
On the other hand, we can stay healthy and grow up normally, improve our stamina, strength and suppleness. Stamina is the ability to continue doing an activity which uses up a lot of energy without getting tired. The best way to improve stamina is running, cycling and swimming. I think to improve stamina is the most necessary thing in our life because we have to live successfully.
Strength is the power of muscles to lift and push heavy objects easily. Suppleness is the ability to move freely your body parts. Doing the gymnastics is the singled out example of being supple .There is a proverb wealth is good but health is above. All the three abilities are the key to our healthy, long life without any illnesses.
Then, we can take part in competitions of many types of sports if u’re good at one of them. If you win a prize, you may become famous not only in your country, all over the world. I think it is cool to participate in Olympics but its not that of easy because you have to dedicate yourself, your life to reach your goal. But besides all advantages, there are some disadvantages, too. For example, you may hurt yourself –legs, arms , teeth by playing dangerous sports such as boxing, football and so others.. So we should be also careful.
In my case, I like sports not only because it is helpful to me but also it is great fun! I usually play tennis, basketball and in summer I swim in the river.
All above, doing sports has a very important role in human’s life.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

some university students prefer living in campus housing such as dormitories. Other students prefer living in off campus housing such as apartments. If you were faced with this decision. Which of these two potions would you choose?
Planning essay
There are two possible opinions on this topic, opinions about living in campus housing such as dormitories and living in off-campus housing such as apartments. Which is better?
Here are some reasons to believe opinion about living in off-campus housing is right
But here are some even better reasons to believe opinion living in campus housing is right
As I can see, opinion about living in campus is right

Many students believe that off-housing offer much better educational opportunities than campus housing. However, in my experience, that is not necessarily true. I believe that, with friends, campus housing can provide as good learning opportunity as off-campus housing.
Some students prefer to study alone and they hate having interruptions. One supposed advantage of living in off-campus housing, there is silence and no one to disturb you to work hard. Also, you can use your imagine freely. And no one intervenes in your work. Students do their work themselves completely.
On the other hand, while I am studying lessons at home. Sometimes, I need someone’s help when I don’t understand lessons. so I can’t manage to do all. Because, I am alone at home. There is no one to help me. My parents don’t know my lessons.
Therefore, some students prefer to live in campus housing like me. There is more interaction among students. They could help each other to learn and do their homework. Also, you can afford to consult about something from others what you can’t do. In addition, it is more happy to have with friends to live in dormitory. You get accustomed to be sociable.
In conclusion, I would choose to live in campus housing because I can study other’s ability so I will improve my capacity and have a lot of good friends.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

since this is the only way to post my article :)), sorry guys

Ice cream capital of the world

We all love ice cream, well I hope so. Because that is what I’m writing about. Do you know where the ice cream capital is? It’s located in Le Mars, Iowa, USA.
Wells’ Dairy was founded in 1913 by Fred H. Wells Jr. Today Le Mars is recognized as the “Ice Cream Capital of the World” because more ice cream is made here by a single company in one location than anywhere else in the world. Think of over 120 million gallons (1 gallon is about 3.78 litres). Still family owned and managed, now by third and fourth generation family members, most of the Wells family still live here in Le Mars, along with the nearly 9,500 other residents, for whom life is really sweet.

The history of Wells’ Dairy starts with Fred H. Wells with the purchase of a horse, a delivery wagon, a few milk cans and jars and the goodwill of the milk business from Ray Bowers, a Le Mars dairy farmer- all for 250 dollars. In 1925 Fred H. Wells and his sons manufactured ice creams in Le Mars. So he and his brother started distributing ice cream in Sioux City around 1927. In 1928 they sold their ice cream distribution system along with the rights to use the Wells’ name. Seven years later the Wells’ brothers decided to sell ice cream again. But because they couldn’t use the name “Wells” they ran a “Name that ice cream” contest and a Sioux City man won the $25 prize, after noticing how much his son liked the blue bunnies on a shop window during Easter time. And the name was “Blue Bunny”

Here are some fun facts:
Wells’ Dairy has over 2700 employees nationwide
Over 250,000 gallons of ice cream is produced per day
It takes 1.5 billion sticks a year to make the ice cream novelties. If you placed them all end to end, it would stretch over three times around the earth’s equator Wells’ Dairy has 5 plants that produce Blue Bunny products, two in Le Mars, IA and one in St.George, UT. Two cultured dairy plants , one in Le mars and one in Omaha, NE
There are 75 Blue Bunny ice cream flavors! (50 regular flavors and 25 Feature Flavors, critics Choice and Limited Editions available throughout the year)
Vanilla is the most popular Blue Bunny Ice Cream flavor, followed by Chocolate and Bunny Tracks.
There are 5 kinds of vanilla flavors! Vanilla, French Vanilla, Homemade Vanilla, All Natural Vanilla and New York
Blue Bunny, Wells’ dairy manufactures ice cream for many national restaurant chains
In addition to ice cream, Wells’ Dairy produces yoghurt and other cultured dairy products
Wells’ Dairy was pasteurizing milk by 1920 and homogenizing milk by the early 1930’s
Wells’ Dairy’s products can be found in all 50 states and over 20 foreign countries
Wells’ Dairy receives milk from 13 different states. 39% of the milk comes from Iowa dairy farms
90.000 cows are needed each day to facilitate Wells’ Dairy’s daily ice cream and dairy production needs. That’s over 220.000 gallons in a single day, 365 days per year!
Wells’ Dairy has 850 vehicles in its transportation fleet
During one of the busiest weeks, 707 loads of ice cream left the city of Le Mars.
There is more ice cream made in the city of Le Mars than any other one location on earth (hope there isn’t any on planet Mars :D), making Le Mars, IA the Ice Cream Capital of the World

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Hi all

I'm glad to be the member of this blog and i hope it'll be a real fun, anyway my id is tuvshintl. Have a nice weekend to all

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Friday, September 26, 2008


Hi ALL!!! I'm Bilguun.I My mail BEK_number1@yahoo.com, Please add my id.

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oops.. i forgot. my id is lk_enkhee

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

hi guys!!!!! I`ve just entered..... let`s have fun and be great friends:) and of course do hard

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little bit of sunshine 4 everyone

good morning everyone! let's have some fun :DDD

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Hello World!!!

Hi, everyone! I think I'm the first contributer but not a first poster [disappointing, hehe]... Then I also hope we can make interesting blog-world together... I think we need to change our yahoo messenger id and it makes more closer to be friends and give more fun...My messenger id is uundaa_mn. I hope that all of you leave a comment with your id in this post...Happy Blogging and Enjoy!!!

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I'm coming

hi teacher i think i'm the first one

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Hi everyone! That's our class blog and I hope that together we can make it a really interesting one. Happy blogging!

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